Principal's Message

Greetings from Mr. Eduardo J. Alaniz, Principal of Roosevelt Alternative School (RAS), Mission CISD,

Roosevelt Alternative School offers support to all the schools in the district by assisting the campuses with students who have violated the Student Code of Conduct to an extent which merits a placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP). Students are generally assigned to RAS for a period of up to 30 school days. I strongly believe that by working closely with the students at DAEP they will return to their home campuses with the skills necessary to achieve academic success. 

Recently, we undertook numerous initiatives directed at upgrading the facilities at Roosevelt. These improvements were not only to perk up the eye appeal of the buildings but, most importantly, to create a safe learning environment where students do not feel marginalized and one which fosters a sense of belonging thereby translating into improved student moral. We have upgraded our school cafeteria, painted our classrooms and library, and have introduced grass to the grounds so that our students have a place to play football and other sports during their Physical Education class. We have added new technology in our classrooms--TV monitors and EIKIs so that our teachers can connect our classrooms to the world through the use of technology. Steps have been taken, as well, to address student safety at RAS. We have a Mission P.D. officer and a school nurse permanently assigned to our campus. Surveillance monitoring equipment has been upgraded or replaced. If a student feels they are in a safe environment, they will learn.

It is my philosophy that all students can learn as long as they are provided an inviting learning environment. I truly BELIEVE that all our students will succeed given the proper support and required services. Student success is paramount; therefore, three areas that I monitor closely because I feel that they attribute to student success are: 1) communication with the student’s parent; 2) student attendance; and 3) student’s grades. 

In order to ensure that students succeed at Roosevelt, I solicit our students and parents to participate in the educational process and to support our teachers and staff. Parents need to support us in our efforts to teach our students and their sons/daughters to be respectful in their attitudes, behaviors, and language. Long gone are the days of worksheets at our school. Our teachers are expected to teach concepts in their content area to prepare our students to succeed when they return to their home campuses.

My motto for my students is: “Better Choices, No Excuses.” I place great responsibility on our students and have high expectations for them as well as our teachers and staff. We teach our students that life is not easy and that they have to work hard to earn their life’s desires. It is my philosophy that Roosevelt is not about how many trophies, ribbons or U.I.L. events we win; but, rather we are here to help shape students’ lives and help students succeed once they exit from Roosevelt.

Eduardo J. Alaniz, Principal
Roosevelt Alternative School